About us

Implandata Ophthalmic Products GmbH is a digital health company, based in Hannover Germany. With our transformative products and solutions we are addressing a vastly underserved need in care of glaucoma patients, by combining innovative medical technology with state of the art information technology. By this we are creating transformative solutions for better and more efficient glaucoma therapy, to the benefit of glaucoma patients and their families.

Our eyemate® system offers eye care specialists proactive and personalized therapy guidance at glaucoma patients. Patients will be closely involved in successful management of their disease by the provision of actionable information via eyemate®.

Implandata Ophthalmics Products GmbH has a team of very experienced and highly motivated experts in their field and is supported by seasoned investors and renown clinical and scientific advisors. We collaborate with prestigious institutes in order to present the most advanced and utile products to patients and the medical community. And we all have the goal to contribute with our products to better glaucoma care and by this sustain quality of life for patients and their families.
© 2025 IOP GmbH
Kokenstraße 5 | 30159 Hannover Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 511 - 2204 2580
Fax: +49 (0) 511 - 2204 2589